Just a place to put down thoughts, links, pictures, etc. I learned in 2010 that me doing this actually helped other people (WOW!), so I have decided to do this again....
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Burning Man Shoes
I bought this shoes at a yard sale a few weeks ago. Well, I got crafty with them. Went to the craft store and got some awesome rhinestones and got out the trusty glue gun! Not worrying about making it perfect or even what pattern or how they would turn out, I started gluing. This is how they turned out! And, I made sure to use enough glue that those suckers are not coming off!
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Getting Creative
For some reason I felt a little creative this evening. I found what was left over from a pre-purchased kit of "decorate yourself denim lunch sacks" and figured I would see what damage I could do. These are cute little sacks with a handle and velcro shut, my thinking is they would make a good gift for Burning Man. The kit came with fabric paint, glitter, buttons and some other stuff. I decided not to use the glitter or the buttons and stick with the fabric paint. LOL Here is how the 3 remaining sacks turned out. Mind you, I am not a creative person....lol
What do you think?
Friday, May 21, 2010
Bipolar Story
For those that are not aware, I am BiPolar. Yes, I am admitting to the world that I am bipolar. Some see this as a stigma and hide it, which I did for many many years. But, part of my health and healing in the last few years is embracing this aspect of who I am. It is a disease just like asthma, high blood pressure, diabetes, etc., that can be controlled with medication, is hereditary and is something that is in your genes. I have Bipolar Tyle II, which is the lesser type. It means I am not prone to the episodes you read about on the news or in movies of really extremes, like running the streets naked or suicide, etc. But, I do cycle pretty rapidly from really depressed to really high moods. In coming days/weeks I will be writing more on my condition and what it means to me and how I am dealing with it. As, I am deciding now how much I want to let out on the internet. But, this is a start for me.
An online friend of mine wrote this short story about bipolar. (Posted with his permission)I think it gives an awesome idea of my condition. I post it with his permission in hopes that it will give those of you who are not familiar with this condition an idea. More to follow later. But, if you are curious, please do feel free to email me privately.
My Ice Maker Is Bipolar by "Joe"
The ice maker in my refrigerator is bipolar. I am seriously thinking about either getting it some meds or at least some counseling but maybe we will be alright. Sometimes in a whole 24 hours it will barely make enough ice to fill a large glass. I'll ask what the hell is going on and it will say,
"Oh, I don't know. Why are you yelling at me? I just don't feel good and I think I have a leak."
No, you are fine but I need you to work harder. I need enough ice for my cooler every day for work and you are not pulling your load.
"Pulling? I don't have arms. Why are you yelling at me? Life sucks and you're yelling at me."
So we talked and I said I could buy some ice or something but I don't think it heard me. It looked really depressed.
Then a few days later I opend up the freezer and there is ice every where and it is falling out of the freezer and onto the floor.
"Hey, dude! Where you been? I have been working my ass off making ice day and night and it is the best ice I ever made and I am the best ice maker ever. I feel great and I know I look great and ... oh man ... look at these last cubes I made. Gorgeous, huh?"
Yeah, they look ... uh ... great. Look as long as you are so ... uh ... hyper why don't I go and buy some gallon Zip Lock bags and we'll store away some of this extra ice for later for a party or something.
"Yeah, whatever, man. All I know is I feel great and I look great and my ice is the best ever and ... oooh, dude! Look at these I'm about to drop! Brilliant! What can I say? I am brilliant."
So I went to the store and bought some gallon Zip Locks and when I got back I opened the freezer and announced I was back.
"Why are you yelling at me? Look at my ice cubes! They suck and this job sucks and I suck. And I think I have a leak again. I just want to go and lay down and never see ice again."
The rapid ice-ling went on for a while and so we compromised so when he was making extra ice I stored it for later and, like today, when I opened the freezer and there was barely enough ice to fill a glass I just smiled and told him thanks and reached for a Zip Lock already filled with ice. I told him I knew that for him some times are tougher than others and to hang in there and that he should know I am always there for him ... good or bad ... and that no matter what I appreciated him.
He smiled ... dropped a few pitiful, half-formed cubes into the ice bin ... and mumbled, "Thanks, man. That means a lot".
I whispered, "You're welcome", and closed the freezer door.
From inside I heard a voice ...
"Why are you yelling at me?"
(A half-hour later I heard ice cubes beginning to drop every 12 minutes. As long as he tries and knows I appreciate him and that I will be patient with him when times are tough ... 'cause I know it isn't his fault anyway ... I think we will be OK.)
It is 2:30 AM now and my own hypomania has finally decided to let me sleep for a couple or three hours. I am beginning to doze off when I hear coming from the kitchen ...
"DUDE! You have got to get up and come see these ice cubes! Gorgeous! Perfect! Gorgeously perfect! Perfectly gorgeous! I'm Super Ice Maker! That's what I am. SUPER ICE MAKER! I need a mask and a costume, dude! Top of the world, ma!"
An online friend of mine wrote this short story about bipolar. (Posted with his permission)I think it gives an awesome idea of my condition. I post it with his permission in hopes that it will give those of you who are not familiar with this condition an idea. More to follow later. But, if you are curious, please do feel free to email me privately.
My Ice Maker Is Bipolar by "Joe"
The ice maker in my refrigerator is bipolar. I am seriously thinking about either getting it some meds or at least some counseling but maybe we will be alright. Sometimes in a whole 24 hours it will barely make enough ice to fill a large glass. I'll ask what the hell is going on and it will say,
"Oh, I don't know. Why are you yelling at me? I just don't feel good and I think I have a leak."
No, you are fine but I need you to work harder. I need enough ice for my cooler every day for work and you are not pulling your load.
"Pulling? I don't have arms. Why are you yelling at me? Life sucks and you're yelling at me."
So we talked and I said I could buy some ice or something but I don't think it heard me. It looked really depressed.
Then a few days later I opend up the freezer and there is ice every where and it is falling out of the freezer and onto the floor.
"Hey, dude! Where you been? I have been working my ass off making ice day and night and it is the best ice I ever made and I am the best ice maker ever. I feel great and I know I look great and ... oh man ... look at these last cubes I made. Gorgeous, huh?"
Yeah, they look ... uh ... great. Look as long as you are so ... uh ... hyper why don't I go and buy some gallon Zip Lock bags and we'll store away some of this extra ice for later for a party or something.
"Yeah, whatever, man. All I know is I feel great and I look great and my ice is the best ever and ... oooh, dude! Look at these I'm about to drop! Brilliant! What can I say? I am brilliant."
So I went to the store and bought some gallon Zip Locks and when I got back I opened the freezer and announced I was back.
"Why are you yelling at me? Look at my ice cubes! They suck and this job sucks and I suck. And I think I have a leak again. I just want to go and lay down and never see ice again."
The rapid ice-ling went on for a while and so we compromised so when he was making extra ice I stored it for later and, like today, when I opened the freezer and there was barely enough ice to fill a glass I just smiled and told him thanks and reached for a Zip Lock already filled with ice. I told him I knew that for him some times are tougher than others and to hang in there and that he should know I am always there for him ... good or bad ... and that no matter what I appreciated him.
He smiled ... dropped a few pitiful, half-formed cubes into the ice bin ... and mumbled, "Thanks, man. That means a lot".
I whispered, "You're welcome", and closed the freezer door.
From inside I heard a voice ...
"Why are you yelling at me?"
(A half-hour later I heard ice cubes beginning to drop every 12 minutes. As long as he tries and knows I appreciate him and that I will be patient with him when times are tough ... 'cause I know it isn't his fault anyway ... I think we will be OK.)
It is 2:30 AM now and my own hypomania has finally decided to let me sleep for a couple or three hours. I am beginning to doze off when I hear coming from the kitchen ...
"DUDE! You have got to get up and come see these ice cubes! Gorgeous! Perfect! Gorgeously perfect! Perfectly gorgeous! I'm Super Ice Maker! That's what I am. SUPER ICE MAKER! I need a mask and a costume, dude! Top of the world, ma!"
Update on what is going on!
So, I have been sick this week. Not to bore you or give you all the icky details, but, I have been doing ALOT of sleeping and NOT alot of eating. Not alot of computer time either. So, I figured I would catch up quickly while I am feeling a tad bit better at the moment. So, this post is a little of everything rolled into one!
My cats LOVE my new bed. Emeralde (black one) lays with me all the time on it. Anytime I am in it, so is she. Safire (grey one) actually has been sleeping with me too. She used to only sleep with mom. I have found that she likes a certain spot and if Emeralde is there, she will kick her off. Kinda funny actually. Yes, I am becoming that cat lady!
I will be finishing my Ten Days to Mental Health before the month ends, I promise. :)
The pizza party for the acting group went well. Squishy was a great help in getting everything and all the kids loved it. I have a tendancy to do over board, but, Squishy was good about telling me to keep it simple. Only thing that I would have done different is the type of pizza. More cheese & peperoni! See, my daughter is weird and LOVES vegetables. So, I have just gone through all the kid years with that. Well, in ordering pizza, I ordered how I would for her and her friends...but I should have just gotten cheese and pepperoni! Oh well. I did get a very lovely email from the woman in charge thanking me. Which is nice. I look forward to helping out more with this group.
Squishy has a dance performance tonight. I love watching her do what she loves. And, this dance is something she has not done a whole lot of: pair dancing! I will make sure to let you know how it goes. Hopefully I will make it through it sitting up right!
I must say that I am happy and sound in my decision to change camps. The people I am talking with in the new camp are wonderful. So inviting, full of information and caring. Some of my friends and family don't understand why I don't find a camp of people more local. But for me, this makes sense. Hard to explain, but it just does. Deep down, I am a shy person and talking to these people online is easier for me. Yes, there is a community of *burners* up here, but so far, I have not racked up the courage to go. In time I will. Baby steps.
The raffle for my Burning Man camp is coming together quite nicely. I am still looking for a grand prize, but, it will come. We are going to have some awesome prizes! :) We are also progressing on our water bottles! Stay Tuned!
I have started to think about what I should do with my hair while out on the playa. I am trying to grow it out again since cutting it short. But, short may be better with all the dust and wind. Unless I continue to let it grow out and then maybe put it in braids for BM. I never have had braids, so it would be different, but hey, that is what it is all about, right! So, right now, I am leaning towards mini braids with maybe some fabric in them for color. But, I may change my mind. Who knows. I need to talk to Cindy, my hair lady to see what she thinks I suppose. But, my hair is so thick, I don't want to have to deal with it out there!
That is it for now. I am going to post a story a friend of mine wrote here shortly, but I wanted that to be in a different post.
My cats LOVE my new bed. Emeralde (black one) lays with me all the time on it. Anytime I am in it, so is she. Safire (grey one) actually has been sleeping with me too. She used to only sleep with mom. I have found that she likes a certain spot and if Emeralde is there, she will kick her off. Kinda funny actually. Yes, I am becoming that cat lady!
I will be finishing my Ten Days to Mental Health before the month ends, I promise. :)
The pizza party for the acting group went well. Squishy was a great help in getting everything and all the kids loved it. I have a tendancy to do over board, but, Squishy was good about telling me to keep it simple. Only thing that I would have done different is the type of pizza. More cheese & peperoni! See, my daughter is weird and LOVES vegetables. So, I have just gone through all the kid years with that. Well, in ordering pizza, I ordered how I would for her and her friends...but I should have just gotten cheese and pepperoni! Oh well. I did get a very lovely email from the woman in charge thanking me. Which is nice. I look forward to helping out more with this group.
Squishy has a dance performance tonight. I love watching her do what she loves. And, this dance is something she has not done a whole lot of: pair dancing! I will make sure to let you know how it goes. Hopefully I will make it through it sitting up right!
I must say that I am happy and sound in my decision to change camps. The people I am talking with in the new camp are wonderful. So inviting, full of information and caring. Some of my friends and family don't understand why I don't find a camp of people more local. But for me, this makes sense. Hard to explain, but it just does. Deep down, I am a shy person and talking to these people online is easier for me. Yes, there is a community of *burners* up here, but so far, I have not racked up the courage to go. In time I will. Baby steps.
The raffle for my Burning Man camp is coming together quite nicely. I am still looking for a grand prize, but, it will come. We are going to have some awesome prizes! :) We are also progressing on our water bottles! Stay Tuned!
I have started to think about what I should do with my hair while out on the playa. I am trying to grow it out again since cutting it short. But, short may be better with all the dust and wind. Unless I continue to let it grow out and then maybe put it in braids for BM. I never have had braids, so it would be different, but hey, that is what it is all about, right! So, right now, I am leaning towards mini braids with maybe some fabric in them for color. But, I may change my mind. Who knows. I need to talk to Cindy, my hair lady to see what she thinks I suppose. But, my hair is so thick, I don't want to have to deal with it out there!
That is it for now. I am going to post a story a friend of mine wrote here shortly, but I wanted that to be in a different post.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Pink Heart Camp Fundraiser Help Needed!
As part of our fundraising efforts, we are putting together a raffle. Most camps do events, but, we are trying something different! We are currently looking for Burner Based businesses who may be willing to donate prizes for this effort. This is a GREAT way to gain a little more exposure for your business and help bring people to your business both before and after Burning Man this year.
Personal donations will be accepted to, if you have skill and are willing to donate it for a prize (making a costume, a piece of custom jewelry, etc!) Prizes for things that are local will be accepted as well (massages, spas, etc.), just please be sure to tell me what city it is for!
Anything that you, or your business, are willing to donate, will be used as raffle prizes for a fundraiser towards our camp expenses (lounge area, fur, truck rental, water bar, generator, etc). Please email Plumeria with any questions or donations at by CLICKING HERE. by May 31st! Look for raffle details starting June 1st!
Personal donations will be accepted to, if you have skill and are willing to donate it for a prize (making a costume, a piece of custom jewelry, etc!) Prizes for things that are local will be accepted as well (massages, spas, etc.), just please be sure to tell me what city it is for!
Anything that you, or your business, are willing to donate, will be used as raffle prizes for a fundraiser towards our camp expenses (lounge area, fur, truck rental, water bar, generator, etc). Please email Plumeria with any questions or donations at by CLICKING HERE. by May 31st! Look for raffle details starting June 1st!
Squishy in Beauty & The Beast!
My daughter is going to be in a production of Beauty & The Beast in July.
Since ALOT of her friends and our family have expressed interest in going to see her and the Hi-Liners in Beauty & The Beast in July, I thought I would organize a group of tickets for those that want me to.
Tickets just went on sale! While you are free to buy them on your own, I would like to get everyone to go on one night and get us all seats. So, if you want your ticket, arrange to get me the appropriate funds by Thursday May 28th! $10 per ticket for the Saturday, July 17th 7:30pm show. Let's get tickets early so we can get the best seats!
Again, you DON"T have to be part of this group to see the show. But, it is neat having all your friends/family together and cheering loudly from the audience for an actor! If you want to purchase your own tickets, you can purchase them here .I will purchase tickets and then distribute them either hard copy or via email. i am going to inquire about a group rate. If we can get a discount, I will refund any extra monies (or ask if you want to donate it to Sam's tuition for her next musical, "Les Miserables" - hint hint! hehe)
If there are people who would like tickets but cannot get the funds to me in time, please still send me an email by clicking here or give me a call or facebook message and we can work something out.
For anyone that is out of town and wants to come up that weekend: you are more than welcome to stay with us. But, please know that Squishy will have little time to socialize the week before or during the weekend. So, don't take offense.
For anyone that is out of town or can't make it: we can order you a copy of the DVD production and/or you can donate to the funds for her costs to participate in these shows. With items, shoes and fees, it is expensive. But, she really enjoys it. You can take heart that when she is on Broadway in a few years, she will give back in some way, for that I am certain.
Thanks to everyone for their support of her. :)
Oh! One more thing! If you are local and have some work or something Squishy can do to earn money towards her costs, please let us know. She is willing to work for it.
Day 7: Eat Well
Eat Well!? Ugh. This is a tough one. Especially as it fell on a day when I was responsible for a pizza party! I will say that I have always had a tough time with eating healthy, always. But, I am starting to get better. I love carbs, need carbs, embrace carbs.
But, I have been starting to get better. Including taking supplements and being more conscious of what I am eating. I will continue to work on this. It is something that does not change over night.
But, I have been starting to get better. Including taking supplements and being more conscious of what I am eating. I will continue to work on this. It is something that does not change over night.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
After reading my blog, shopping for things for Burning Man and really embracing the fact that I AM going to attend it, but daughter decided that she wanted a "blog" name. Got to love creative kids! I said, okay. Since I go by Plumeria, maybe we should do something that goes along those lines. No, she wants to be called "Squishy!"
For anyone who doesn't have kids...its from Disney's "Finding Nemo" Here is youtube video to refresh your memory!
So, any posts mentioning my daughter's name have been changed to Squishy. And, going forward, that is how she will be referred to.
For anyone who doesn't have kids...its from Disney's "Finding Nemo" Here is youtube video to refresh your memory!
So, any posts mentioning my daughter's name have been changed to Squishy. And, going forward, that is how she will be referred to.
super mom....
(from my cell) Playing super mom today. The acting group my daughter Squishy is with is gearing up to do a production of "Les Miserables" and are having a pjviewing party this evening. I was in charge of all the food. So today we went shopping and made brownies. Currently watching a version the group didabout 8years ago. I love my daughter but really don't get opera! My brain just really doesn't understand it and can't process it. My daughter however, is totally enthralled. Making a list of who she wants to audition for and what she needs to work on.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Yard Sales!
Went to yard sales today! Yippee! Got some awesome deals! :) Super excited!
Really awesome sleepingbag thing! As you can see, this sleeping bag is also like a jacket, with arms, a hood, button up and it even has a zipper for your feet so you can either walk around or sleep with your feet out!
Cow fabric. It is very thick: feels like denim actually. It was hand made into a table skirt thing. But, it was too cool. Who knows what it will become!
Two metal tins with XXX on them. Very sturdy and thick. They metal will get hot so nothing that will melt can go in them. But, other goods can be stored in them. Two small igloo water cooloers! :)

We also found some awesome things for gifts, plants for mom, an amazing dress for Squishy, tons of books for her and alot of other stuff that I can't even remember right now. Part of going to yard sales is the amazing people you meet and get to talk with! We had a great sunny day. After getting home, organizing everything and then going to pick up Squishy from dance, I totally passed out asleep! Just woke up. Guess I am still sick!
Really awesome sleepingbag thing! As you can see, this sleeping bag is also like a jacket, with arms, a hood, button up and it even has a zipper for your feet so you can either walk around or sleep with your feet out!
Cow fabric. It is very thick: feels like denim actually. It was hand made into a table skirt thing. But, it was too cool. Who knows what it will become!
Pillows! The red ones are sqaure and really fluffy! (will be covered with pink fabric). The pink ones are a little smaller, but still fluffy. I also got a light pink twin sheet set to the fabric. The keds/converse shoes will make neat things once I bling them out and the slippers, well, I just liked them.
Two metal tins with XXX on them. Very sturdy and thick. They metal will get hot so nothing that will melt can go in them. But, other goods can be stored in them. Two small igloo water cooloers! :)
Fur coat! :) It is awesomeness for sure. I also got a vest, but, didn't take a picture of it.

We also found some awesome things for gifts, plants for mom, an amazing dress for Squishy, tons of books for her and alot of other stuff that I can't even remember right now. Part of going to yard sales is the amazing people you meet and get to talk with! We had a great sunny day. After getting home, organizing everything and then going to pick up Squishy from dance, I totally passed out asleep! Just woke up. Guess I am still sick!
Day 4, 5 & 6
So, these last three days have kind of blended together. Thanks to a LOVELY cold/illness I got my from daughter. I must say that normally I can do sick, but, when it gets in your inner ear and affects your vertigo, its NOT fun. So, I am going to talk about these last three mental health days more as a lump sum than individual days.
Helping Others, Get Enough Sleep & Create Joy and Satisfaction
Sleep: check thanks to this cold!
Helping Others: I received an email and then a phone call asking if I wanted to volunteer to lead a new booster club type thing for the acting group that my daughter is in. After thinking about it, I decided I wanted to go ahead and do it. It will help raise funds, create events and spend more time with these kids. It will be awesome. It is all volunteer, but will be totally worth it.
Another way I helped others is to book hotel rooms for my family for my cousin's upcoming college graduation. Thanks to an awesome friend, I was able to get everyone a discount.
Create Joy and Satisfaction: today we went to yard sales. How does this create joy and satisfaction you ask!? Well, joy because it is something we like to do and my mother, my daughter and I got to spend time together. Hunting for deals, things we need, presents for others and of course, stuff for Burning Man. That is the joy part. The satisfaction: knowing we are helping other clean out their clutter and/or make money for various things.
Helping Others, Get Enough Sleep & Create Joy and Satisfaction
Sleep: check thanks to this cold!
Helping Others: I received an email and then a phone call asking if I wanted to volunteer to lead a new booster club type thing for the acting group that my daughter is in. After thinking about it, I decided I wanted to go ahead and do it. It will help raise funds, create events and spend more time with these kids. It will be awesome. It is all volunteer, but will be totally worth it.
Another way I helped others is to book hotel rooms for my family for my cousin's upcoming college graduation. Thanks to an awesome friend, I was able to get everyone a discount.
Create Joy and Satisfaction: today we went to yard sales. How does this create joy and satisfaction you ask!? Well, joy because it is something we like to do and my mother, my daughter and I got to spend time together. Hunting for deals, things we need, presents for others and of course, stuff for Burning Man. That is the joy part. The satisfaction: knowing we are helping other clean out their clutter and/or make money for various things.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Playa Staples
I have come across an alternative to nasty rebar: Playa Staples. And, they are made by a group here in Seattle, so I can pick them up instead of having them shipped! And, it is a fundraiser for their camp and their art on the playa. They look cuter, and are less likely to hurt someone if they trip over it instead of rebar, when holding down a tent. I really like this idea. I think I will order some.
Day 3: Get Physically Active
I walked alot today. :) Enough to make my back hurt, so probably a little too much. I forgot I was doing baby steps. But, that is okay. If you look at other posts I made today you will see that we went to the fabric store, I scored a tent. But, we also walked around the mall, as I had to exchange some things. (white sundress for a hot pink one that I originally wanted, but, the store up here didn't have it in my size. But, the store in Tacoma did!) I can feel the energy from my body being released and my muscles releasing lactic acid. I need a massage or a hot tub! :)
Tomorrow: help others....
Tomorrow: help others....
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Squishy and I went to the fabric store this afternoon in search of great deals. We had a blast! Here are some pictures of material that I got. I am thinking some will be good for pillows, maybe flags, who knows what else.
The purple with butterflies I am going to make a top or something out of! The animal print will probally end up as a dress, but, nothing is set in stone! :)
The purple with butterflies I am going to make a top or something out of! The animal print will probally end up as a dress, but, nothing is set in stone! :)
Today was a good craigslist day! I was looking at tents last night and called about one near me. Went to go pick it up and, as it turns out, they had another one they just hadn't listed yet. And it is even better! Originally part of a set of camping stuff, just the tent is left. Here is the picture, but, I just got the tent!
They had it set up and I got to make sure that everything was in working order and no mold or anything :) Yippee! I also got to help disassemble it, which was good. The couple was super nice and it was great talking with them. :) I think there is plenty of room in this tent, it is approx 13 X 10, so, I don't think I will need to take my smaller 7X7 tent now. But, what do you think? :)
Hot Stuff by Donna Summer
Today on facebook, a friend (who shares the exact same birthday I do) shared one of those stupid apps...it was. "The #1 Song on my birthday was...." Well, since she did it, I figured I would try, just to see if we got the same answer! We did. And it is : ">
Watching this collection of pictures on youtube gave me an idea.....maybe I should take a night at Burning Man to do Donna Summer justice. There are alot of really neat outfits she has on that would excellent out on the the playa. Maybe I could even get a wig? Who knows....
Watching this collection of pictures on youtube gave me an idea.....maybe I should take a night at Burning Man to do Donna Summer justice. There are alot of really neat outfits she has on that would excellent out on the the playa. Maybe I could even get a wig? Who knows....
Race Car Tent?
Here is a neat tent I found on Craigslist this evening. Might be kinda cool for the playa. Although, it is FULL of advertising, so maybe not. But, would be a neat item. What do you think?
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Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Day 2: Stay Positive
Today was Stay Positive day! When thoughts attempted to creep into my head that were negative, I thought about them in a positive light instead.
Negative: "If I am offered that job, I will have to commute and be in the car driving!"
Positive: "When I get that job, I will finally get some more ME time to decompress before I spent time with the family."
Negative: (while going through my clothes) "My clothes don't fit."
Positive: "I will consign what I can, gift whats left to others. Wonder how many people I will be helping!"
Spoke with friends of mine, who helped as well. Found some items on freecycle and craigslist for Burning Man that I will be picking up later in the week! Yippee!
Tomorrow....get physically active...UGH!
Negative: "If I am offered that job, I will have to commute and be in the car driving!"
Positive: "When I get that job, I will finally get some more ME time to decompress before I spent time with the family."
Negative: (while going through my clothes) "My clothes don't fit."
Positive: "I will consign what I can, gift whats left to others. Wonder how many people I will be helping!"
Spoke with friends of mine, who helped as well. Found some items on freecycle and craigslist for Burning Man that I will be picking up later in the week! Yippee!
Tomorrow....get physically active...UGH!
Theme Camp Decision....(long)
Lately the universe has been pulling (or pushing me!) into new directions. I believe that the universe has a plan for us and gives us the tools to guide us in certain ways. Whether we listen to those or not, well, that is what makes this ride we call life interesting. These past few months have been full of soul searching, research, back on my medication, organizing and more things. Part of this direction was to make the decision to attend Burning Man this year and actually commit to it. Once I make a firm decision, you really can't talk me out of it and it is all about logistics in making it happen. That is where I am with Burning Man right now. Seems like daily something pops into my mind. One of the major decisions to be made was whether to camp with a theme camp, find some friends or go it alone. Well, after really thinking about me, my resources, skills and needs: both physically, mentally and what I have to offer; I decided I wanted to join a theme camp. It will allow me to go with some veterans to learn from their experiences, pool resources and offer something new to them in return. Admittedly, it also eases my mind a bit that if something should happen to my mom or daughter while I am gone, being at a placed theme camp will make it ALOT easier for someone to get ahold of me, if need be. (Not that anything is going to happen, but, that is the planner in me!)
In doing some research I connected with a few different people, spoke with them and made a decision to camp with Zifra and the Lazy Lizard Lemonade Lounge. In speaking with her, she is most definately someone I would enjoy camping with. With only about 15 people, it is a smaller camp, which would be serving lemonade (and my favorite, vodka!) through out the afternoons, as well as other various activities. Through the yahoo group that Zifra set up, I met a few camp mates and started talking with them who also seem really awesome people. But, in my heart, something just was not there. Something was lacking (for a better word). And, I could not put my finger on it. But, in trusting the universe, I knew things would work out and really was not stressing about it much.
Remember when I said earlier that once my mind is made up, I am a planner and do anything to make it happen? Almost to an obsession point for a short while. Well, in my research for and about BM, I came across numerous numerous sites, information, videos, people, etc. Some good, some not so good. Some a good fit for me, some not so good. As part of all this discovery, I came across another theme camp called Pink Heart Camp. In getting to know some camp mates, plans, etc., I was starting to think maybe I should be with them out on the playa instead. But, I had already committed to the other camp. Try as I might, I could not shake the feeling that I should be part of Pink Heart. Now, being the type of person I am, I didn't want to go back on a promise I had made and hurt anyone's feelings. But, then I remembered a promise I have made to myself: put yourself first for once. (Please don't think I am being arrogant or not thinking or serving others. But, after years and years of putting others first - and having it take its toll on me both physically and mentally, this year I made a promise to do things for myself.) But again, I really just shook it off.
Until the universe sent me about four signs within a span of 24 hours pushing me into the direction of Pink Heart. I am not going to go into detail about what they are. But, they were really strong signs for sure that could not be ignored. There are things the camp needs that fit my skills and things I am passionate about. I feel more at home being with this camp than I have with the other one. I know that sounds weird, since its mostly all been online. But, that can mean alot. And, it is important to me to feel at home, at ease and feel like I can be of use.
To my new friends at Lazy Lizard, please know this was not a decision that was made lightly. Some of you have really become dear friends and I do hope to *meet* you out on the playa. I promise to stop by and invite you to visit us. To my new friends at Pink Heart Camp: we are going to have a blast for sure. Now....I bet I can sneak in some purple! :)
Monday, May 10, 2010
Day 1 of 10 to Better Mental Health
Day #1: Connect with others.
I slept horrible last night. UGH. I really thought that I would just want to stay in bed today, but, I didn't. I got up and got ready for a job interview and drove up early and had time to relax a little before going in. I remembered that today I was to connect with new people. So I made small talk with people while I was waiting, smiling, etc at them. GREAT! My interview was with one member of management and we did get along well and great conversation. Then, to my surprise, she told me she wanted me to meet with another member of management. GREAT! Another connection for the day! And, with that thought at the top of my head, it went great. We shall see if I am the right fit for their team. Only the universe knows at this point :)
Came home and took a nap and really didn't do any more new connections. I did have a great conversation with one of my cousins via facebook. More conversation than we have had before, which is awesome.
Baby steps.....
Tomorrow is Day #2: Stay Positive.....We will see what transpires tomorrow :)
I slept horrible last night. UGH. I really thought that I would just want to stay in bed today, but, I didn't. I got up and got ready for a job interview and drove up early and had time to relax a little before going in. I remembered that today I was to connect with new people. So I made small talk with people while I was waiting, smiling, etc at them. GREAT! My interview was with one member of management and we did get along well and great conversation. Then, to my surprise, she told me she wanted me to meet with another member of management. GREAT! Another connection for the day! And, with that thought at the top of my head, it went great. We shall see if I am the right fit for their team. Only the universe knows at this point :)
Came home and took a nap and really didn't do any more new connections. I did have a great conversation with one of my cousins via facebook. More conversation than we have had before, which is awesome.
Baby steps.....
Tomorrow is Day #2: Stay Positive.....We will see what transpires tomorrow :)
May Is Mental Health Awareness Month: Life Your Life Well
May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Mental Health America has created a website for the 2010 Theme: Live Your Life Well LINK HERE
They have listed 10 ways to Life Your Life Well.
They have listed 10 ways to Life Your Life Well.
These proven tools can help you feel stronger and more hopeful. Check out each page for specific, easy-to-follow tips.
- Connect with others
- Stay positive
- Get physically active
- Help others
- Get enough sleep
- Create joy and satisfaction
- Eat well
- Take care of your spirit
- Deal better with hard times
- Get professional help if you need it
So, I will start to focus on ONE of these things each day, starting today (Monday, May 10th). In 10 days, I should be feeling better, thinking positive and being awesomely RAD :)
#1: Connect with others: hmmm need to think about how I am going to do that today. Stay tuned I suppose. :) I connected with lots of people this weekend, but, according to my own rules, that does not count. So, I need to connect with people today or, make plans to do so sometime this week! Anyone want to do lunch? Does HugNation count? What about shopping or picking up free stuff from Craigslist or freecycle? Do my cats count (um NO! I will wind up the old spinster cat woman! hehe) hmmm I may need to set some rules for myself.
Okay....today's task...connect with others. I will post on what I did later! Good night!
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Mother's Day Weekend...
Wow. What a crazy event filled weekend. Friday during the day I finished up cleaning/working on my room in order to make space for my new bed. Yes, I will be the first to admit that I have been a little obsessed with this since I bought it two weeks ago and talking about it alot. But, this is a big deal for me. :) My mattresses are no longer on the floor like a silly college kid! hooray! And, it goes along with me getting shit in order and organized. Not just letting stuff sit around. So, Friday an old friend came over to help me, and, to my surprise, my daughter agreed to help as well. It was actually fun spending time with her. :) And, we made really good progress. It most defiantly helps having people either helping me or just here with me talking. By the time I knew it, it was time to take my daughter down to her friends house to spend the night. I then hung out with my friend Jodie for the night. It was great. Good times!
While I was driving I get a call from the delivery guys saying that they will be here between 7am and 11am Saturday morning. WHAT! That is a worse window than the cable guy and who really wants furniture delivered at 7am! CRAZY. So, I did have to come home semi early Friday night, knowing I still had clothes in the living room to move out of the way of the furniture guys. haha Well, I took a chance and set my alarm for 8am. Woke up and yep, not here yet and no call. Put the cats in the garage so that they would not get out and would get out of my way! (Our spoiled cats don't like change and with all this moving around stuff, they were not happy!) Moved my mattresses and swept and mopped the floor, had some tea....then get a call about 9ish saying they would be here in ten minutes. They get here about half hour later. They were really great, nice guys and I super appreciate them. I don't know their names, but, I think I will write a letter. I really should do that more often....anyway....Got my bed all set up, they left, let the cats out of the garage and went to take a nap. Didn't even make my bed! LOL And yes, my cats came to investigate. Emeralde (my black one) liked the new bed and location. But Safire (the grey one) is not happy that I took away her pillow by the wall and her leap pad up to the window. haha
Wake up from my nap in time to go pick up my daughter from the post office. YES, post office. She and the youth group were volunteering to help with the letter carrier food drive. She would have stayed all day, but, she had a dance rehersal. This was the start of me really feeling like a taxi! Rehersal was supposed to last 4 hours, but, they got done early and my daughter wanted to go back to help with the food drive. She also really wanted to go with her friend to babysit for her cousin, who as it turns out, I went to high school with...ya, small world. I called my friend to make sure this was fine and discovered that she and her husband were going out to a birthday party downtown and really wanted me to go with them. So, got dressed and went out with them (had a great time downtown at the Baltic Room). My daughter and her friend watched my friends boys and then hung out together. They were mostly asleep when we arrived home about 2am, so I left her there. Thank goodness my friend's husband drove them to church this morning! My daughter co directs the childrens choir and they were singing today, so, she had to there at 8am....YUCK!
Well, I got to sleep in today. Can you tell I like to sleep in. yes, I am a horrible night owl. haha Picked my daughter up from service and went to brunch with my mom at this new mexican restaurant that she likes. Good low key times. OH! But, there was a little excitement. My kitties are indoor kitties. Yes, they do get out occasionally, but, its not something we let them do. This morning my mom was out in the garage and had the garage door open and left the door open to the house. Well, both cats went out. About half hour pasted before she even thought about it. (I call her forgetfullness chemo brain from when she had chemo for her lymphoma a few years ago.) Well, when it was time to leave to go get my daughter, we realized the cats were outside. I went outside to look for them and Emeralde was just sitting next to the car and came running right to me. I don't think she was diggin the heat outside too much. But, we could not find or hear Safire anywhere. So, we left, thinking we would check back. After lunch we decided to go shopping, but, figured we should check back at the house to see if the cat was ready to come back in. Nope. Still no sign of her. Which is weird. When she gets out, there are certain spots she likes, but she was no where. We all were worried a bit, but, also kept saying...she will come back. So we went to the mall (more on that later). Mind you, it was hot today here...about 70ish.....When we came back about 3 hours later, we opened the car door and Safire was meowing so loudly behind the garbage cans in the shade, I thought my daughter was being a goof. Well, we got out of the car and then the silly cat ran under the house in the crawl space! Yep, that is where she had been. The grate was open for some reason and she was hiding under there. Well, she came in a short while later, drank some water and passed out asleep on moms bed. Dead asleep. Guess she had an eventful day!
Shopping....okay, JC Penny has this new reward program thing. Where if you register you can get $10 for every $50 you spend. Well, when we bought my bed and moms mattresses, it added up to like $40 of these $10 coupons. So, we decided to go shopping! The catch with these is that you have to find an item that is at least $10.And, at first we thought you couldnt combine them, but, then we figured out you could. So, we had fun and ended up with ALOT of stuff and only spend like $60 bucks. Among the items we got: Mom: 500 thread count sheet set, blanket, couple tops; Samantha: 3 pairs of shorts, tops, swim suit, camisole, twin bed set (sheets, comforter, pillow cases, sham, skirt), Me: camisoles, an AWESOME purple sparkly jacket for Burning Man, sundress, couple tops; My friends baby: 3 summer outfits for my favorite baby! I think there is more but I can't think of it. We got ALOT of stuff and had so much fun. And, we still have alot of coupons left. LOL
We were invited to go to a BBQ over at my cousins for dinner, but, we were all tired from a long, eventful weekend. So, we ordered pizza instead and just hung out. Sam made her bed with her new stuff, I made my bed (washed everything) and mom FINALLY drained her waterbed. Although, as of 11:30 its still draining so she wont be sleeping on her new mattressses.
We had an exciting, fun filled and productive weekend. Now I am going to rest, as tomorrow is the start of another crazy week.
While I was driving I get a call from the delivery guys saying that they will be here between 7am and 11am Saturday morning. WHAT! That is a worse window than the cable guy and who really wants furniture delivered at 7am! CRAZY. So, I did have to come home semi early Friday night, knowing I still had clothes in the living room to move out of the way of the furniture guys. haha Well, I took a chance and set my alarm for 8am. Woke up and yep, not here yet and no call. Put the cats in the garage so that they would not get out and would get out of my way! (Our spoiled cats don't like change and with all this moving around stuff, they were not happy!) Moved my mattresses and swept and mopped the floor, had some tea....then get a call about 9ish saying they would be here in ten minutes. They get here about half hour later. They were really great, nice guys and I super appreciate them. I don't know their names, but, I think I will write a letter. I really should do that more often....anyway....Got my bed all set up, they left, let the cats out of the garage and went to take a nap. Didn't even make my bed! LOL And yes, my cats came to investigate. Emeralde (my black one) liked the new bed and location. But Safire (the grey one) is not happy that I took away her pillow by the wall and her leap pad up to the window. haha
Wake up from my nap in time to go pick up my daughter from the post office. YES, post office. She and the youth group were volunteering to help with the letter carrier food drive. She would have stayed all day, but, she had a dance rehersal. This was the start of me really feeling like a taxi! Rehersal was supposed to last 4 hours, but, they got done early and my daughter wanted to go back to help with the food drive. She also really wanted to go with her friend to babysit for her cousin, who as it turns out, I went to high school with...ya, small world. I called my friend to make sure this was fine and discovered that she and her husband were going out to a birthday party downtown and really wanted me to go with them. So, got dressed and went out with them (had a great time downtown at the Baltic Room). My daughter and her friend watched my friends boys and then hung out together. They were mostly asleep when we arrived home about 2am, so I left her there. Thank goodness my friend's husband drove them to church this morning! My daughter co directs the childrens choir and they were singing today, so, she had to there at 8am....YUCK!
Well, I got to sleep in today. Can you tell I like to sleep in. yes, I am a horrible night owl. haha Picked my daughter up from service and went to brunch with my mom at this new mexican restaurant that she likes. Good low key times. OH! But, there was a little excitement. My kitties are indoor kitties. Yes, they do get out occasionally, but, its not something we let them do. This morning my mom was out in the garage and had the garage door open and left the door open to the house. Well, both cats went out. About half hour pasted before she even thought about it. (I call her forgetfullness chemo brain from when she had chemo for her lymphoma a few years ago.) Well, when it was time to leave to go get my daughter, we realized the cats were outside. I went outside to look for them and Emeralde was just sitting next to the car and came running right to me. I don't think she was diggin the heat outside too much. But, we could not find or hear Safire anywhere. So, we left, thinking we would check back. After lunch we decided to go shopping, but, figured we should check back at the house to see if the cat was ready to come back in. Nope. Still no sign of her. Which is weird. When she gets out, there are certain spots she likes, but she was no where. We all were worried a bit, but, also kept saying...she will come back. So we went to the mall (more on that later). Mind you, it was hot today here...about 70ish.....When we came back about 3 hours later, we opened the car door and Safire was meowing so loudly behind the garbage cans in the shade, I thought my daughter was being a goof. Well, we got out of the car and then the silly cat ran under the house in the crawl space! Yep, that is where she had been. The grate was open for some reason and she was hiding under there. Well, she came in a short while later, drank some water and passed out asleep on moms bed. Dead asleep. Guess she had an eventful day!
Shopping....okay, JC Penny has this new reward program thing. Where if you register you can get $10 for every $50 you spend. Well, when we bought my bed and moms mattresses, it added up to like $40 of these $10 coupons. So, we decided to go shopping! The catch with these is that you have to find an item that is at least $10.And, at first we thought you couldnt combine them, but, then we figured out you could. So, we had fun and ended up with ALOT of stuff and only spend like $60 bucks. Among the items we got: Mom: 500 thread count sheet set, blanket, couple tops; Samantha: 3 pairs of shorts, tops, swim suit, camisole, twin bed set (sheets, comforter, pillow cases, sham, skirt), Me: camisoles, an AWESOME purple sparkly jacket for Burning Man, sundress, couple tops; My friends baby: 3 summer outfits for my favorite baby! I think there is more but I can't think of it. We got ALOT of stuff and had so much fun. And, we still have alot of coupons left. LOL
We were invited to go to a BBQ over at my cousins for dinner, but, we were all tired from a long, eventful weekend. So, we ordered pizza instead and just hung out. Sam made her bed with her new stuff, I made my bed (washed everything) and mom FINALLY drained her waterbed. Although, as of 11:30 its still draining so she wont be sleeping on her new mattressses.
We had an exciting, fun filled and productive weekend. Now I am going to rest, as tomorrow is the start of another crazy week.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
In Shape....
Realizing that a golf cart if probably not going to become a reality (thanks to lack of funds as well as a trailor), I need to start thinking of another mode of transportation around the playa. I suppose one of the first steps is going to actually get a bike and see if my back CAN handle riding it. But, I am also realizing I need to start getting into shape more.
I do have to the WII sports active thing I need to actually install. And, I really want to join the YMCA. They just opened a new one here and the pool is amazing. Will be good to work on my cardio skills in the pool. But, its all about getting motivated I suppose, right?
I do have to the WII sports active thing I need to actually install. And, I really want to join the YMCA. They just opened a new one here and the pool is amazing. Will be good to work on my cardio skills in the pool. But, its all about getting motivated I suppose, right?
I have made HugNation a new priority. At least to attempt to make it to the live broadcast on Tuesday afternoons (or catch the archive). I am finding that alot of things that Halcyon discusses are important and relevant to what I am going through right now. I have always had a belief buffet, but, right now it is getting to be even a bigger one. Part of my journey this year is finally making the decision and path to attend Burning Man and also to rediscover the universe's plan for me. This includes new experiences and new people and friends. In doing research and such, I came across videos produced and done by Halcyon. Then that lead me to his Hug Nation. After watching many many of his videos and archives, I made the decision to at least try to attend the live broadcasts each Tuesday. Made it last week and then today. Pretty awesome. Just a bunch of people who come together in one moment (or hour) to be together. It is funny that the universe provides what you need, when you need it. And, right now, its what I need!
Crap Or Cone
Here is a wonderful video! :) Great way to live your life as you deal with everything day to day.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Burning Man Article
Here is a good article about Burning Man. Thanks to the Burning Man facebook group for posting this. :) I know I am not the only one reposting it. But, it does have some good insight for those who aren't familiar with the event.
Truth About Burning Man
Truth About Burning Man
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