Really awesome sleepingbag thing! As you can see, this sleeping bag is also like a jacket, with arms, a hood, button up and it even has a zipper for your feet so you can either walk around or sleep with your feet out!
Cow fabric. It is very thick: feels like denim actually. It was hand made into a table skirt thing. But, it was too cool. Who knows what it will become!
Pillows! The red ones are sqaure and really fluffy! (will be covered with pink fabric). The pink ones are a little smaller, but still fluffy. I also got a light pink twin sheet set to the fabric. The keds/converse shoes will make neat things once I bling them out and the slippers, well, I just liked them.
Two metal tins with XXX on them. Very sturdy and thick. They metal will get hot so nothing that will melt can go in them. But, other goods can be stored in them. Two small igloo water cooloers! :)
Fur coat! :) It is awesomeness for sure. I also got a vest, but, didn't take a picture of it.

We also found some awesome things for gifts, plants for mom, an amazing dress for Squishy, tons of books for her and alot of other stuff that I can't even remember right now. Part of going to yard sales is the amazing people you meet and get to talk with! We had a great sunny day. After getting home, organizing everything and then going to pick up Squishy from dance, I totally passed out asleep! Just woke up. Guess I am still sick!
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