Friday, May 21, 2010

Update on what is going on!

So, I have been sick this week. Not to bore you or give you all the icky details, but, I have been doing ALOT of sleeping and NOT alot of eating. Not alot of computer time either. So, I figured I would catch up quickly while I am feeling a tad bit better at the moment.   So, this post is a little of everything rolled into one!

My cats LOVE my new bed.  Emeralde (black one) lays with me all the time on it.  Anytime I am in it, so is she. Safire (grey one) actually has been sleeping with me too.  She used to only sleep with mom.  I have found that she likes a certain spot and if Emeralde is there, she will kick her off. Kinda funny actually.  Yes, I am becoming that cat lady!

I will be finishing my Ten Days to Mental Health before the month ends, I promise. :)

The pizza party for the acting group went well. Squishy was a great help in getting everything and all the kids loved it. I have a tendancy to do over board, but, Squishy was good about telling me to keep it simple.  Only thing that I would have done different is the type of pizza. More cheese & peperoni!  See, my daughter is weird and LOVES vegetables. So, I have just gone through all the kid years with that.  Well, in ordering pizza, I ordered how I would for her and her friends...but I should have just gotten cheese and pepperoni! Oh well.  I did get a very lovely email from the woman in charge thanking me. Which is nice. I look forward to helping out more with this group.

Squishy has a dance performance tonight. I love watching her do what she loves. And, this dance is something she has not done a whole lot of: pair dancing! I will make sure to let you know how it goes. Hopefully I will make it through it sitting up right!

I must say that I am happy and sound in my decision to change camps.  The people I am talking with in the new camp are wonderful. So inviting, full of information and caring. Some of my friends and family don't understand why I don't find a camp of people more local. But for me, this makes sense. Hard to explain, but it just does.  Deep down, I am a shy person and talking to these people online is easier for me.  Yes, there is a community of *burners* up here, but so far, I have not racked up the courage to go.  In time I will. Baby steps.

The raffle for my Burning Man camp is coming together quite nicely.  I am still looking for a grand prize, but, it will come.  We are going to have some awesome prizes! :)  We are also progressing on our water bottles! Stay Tuned!

I have started to think about what I should do with my hair while out on the playa.  I am trying to grow it out again since cutting it short.  But, short may be better with all the dust and wind. Unless I continue to let it grow out and then maybe put it in braids for BM.  I never have had braids, so it would be different, but hey, that is what it is all about, right!  So, right now, I am leaning towards mini braids with maybe some fabric in them for color.  But, I may change my mind. Who knows. I need to talk to Cindy, my hair lady to see what she thinks I suppose.  But, my hair is so thick, I don't want to have to deal with it out there!

That is it for now. I am going to post a story a friend of mine wrote here shortly, but I wanted that to be in a different post.

1 comment:

  1. I like your story, and I love the mini breads that mainly black girls get in their hair!!! Little tight ones that are stiff and shiny!!! Kind of like Jada Pinkett Smith in the movie: Set it Off!!!

    Good luck with the BP
    It's a ride from hell at times... then it's like heaven on earth another day!!!

