Thursday, April 29, 2010

Misc Stuff!

Yesterday I went to go pick up some medicine at the pharmacy, but, it was not ready. So, I had an hour to kill.  So, guess where I went? I went over to the Goodwill in Federal Way.  Didn't have much time and didn't get a chance to "dig in" but I did get a couple dresses and a couple water bottles.  Which is awesome, since Sam needs them for her dance class thing in May as well as rehearsals for her upcoming show.  And, I found a purple one! :) LOVE IT.  (The other one is exactly the same, but it is teal.)

On Tuesday evening, I got to meet an old friend for dinner.  The day had been a typical spring day in Washington: sun, rain, blue sky, rain, thunder clouds, hail! Well, when I pulled up to the restuarant, the rain stopped and this awesome site greeted me.  (Too bad I couldn't get the whole thing, it was an awesome site!)

I figured I would post a couple pictures of my cats Safire (the grey one) and Emeralde (the black one).  Mind you, Safire is not a snuggly cat, in the normal sense.  She likes being around us and near us, but not snuggly or being petted.  Except on the rare occasion.  Here is one of those rare occasions!

Emeralde likes to be petted and is more snuggly, mostly at night.  She likes to lay with me.

I  need to get back into my room.  Working on cleaning it, going through things and organizing it so my new bed will have an awesome space to live in when it gets here a week from Saturday (May 8th)!  Anyone need anything? I am getting rid of stuff! Part of me wants to save it and have a yard sale, but, I have been putting stuff on freecycle too.  Or, I may just start taking stuff to the goodwill. But, would rather at least get something for it! LOL Or, know it is going to a good home through freecycle or to one of my friends or followers! LOL So, if you are in need of something, let me know. We have a lot junk to get rid of.

Oh!  We are also looking for a new house to move to. Long story, which I might get into sometime in the near future.  So, I am starting to pack stuff away too. LOL  Yet another reason to get rid of stuff.

My friend is coming up this weekend from Portland.  She is going to be here most of the summer (as long as the plan works out). So excited to see her.  I won tickets to a comedy show Friday night, so we are going to go hit that and see what trouble we can cause.  She has some awesome costume and gifts ideas for the playa as well.  When we start making them, I will post pictures. :)

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