So, i just realized that I missed the two year anniversary of my legal name change. On July 16,2008, a judge signed my petition to legally changr my last name. It has been a great two years being the new me.
Just a place to put down thoughts, links, pictures, etc. I learned in 2010 that me doing this actually helped other people (WOW!), so I have decided to do this again....
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Staying focused.....

This is up on my bedroom wall. As the countdown gets smaller, I needed something to remind me why I am doing this and help me focus and not stress.
Published with Blogger-droid v1.4.8
39 days...ACK!
Well, after trying hard, unsuccessfully, to find someone around here to sew some stuff for me, I went ahead and mailed my wonderful fabric finds to my dear friend in Kansas. I trust her with my precious fabric and trust that she will make awesome creations. Sucks that I couldn't find anyone local though. I really think sewing is a lost art. But, I know my god-sister will create some awesome stuff for me!
I finished the sashes tonight. :) Yippee! One more thing off my list of things to accomplish before I leave. And considering I only have 39 days, it is not much at all. I still have a bin full of items I want to do something to (add gems, fur, etc.) but who knows if that will happen!
We are preparing for my sister and my niece to come out and stay with us. They are coming in Monday night. I haven't seen them in years. In fact, they have not been out here since 2003 and considering that my sis was in a car accident that left her with a brain injury and neck injury 3 years ago, it is a big deal. They are going to be here for about 3 weeks. Excited, but it will make for a cozy house! :)
Squishy is in her final countdown to the opening of her show. The cast is amazing and I am proud. I have been sitting in on rehearsals and I am so impressed with these kids. If you are in the area, you must see the show...seriously, if you don't go see it, I will hunt you down!
My Burning Man stuff is getting organized. I will have to go through it all again and reorganize it, but, at least I know what I have and what I don't. And, more importantly, where everything is.
I finished the sashes tonight. :) Yippee! One more thing off my list of things to accomplish before I leave. And considering I only have 39 days, it is not much at all. I still have a bin full of items I want to do something to (add gems, fur, etc.) but who knows if that will happen!
We are preparing for my sister and my niece to come out and stay with us. They are coming in Monday night. I haven't seen them in years. In fact, they have not been out here since 2003 and considering that my sis was in a car accident that left her with a brain injury and neck injury 3 years ago, it is a big deal. They are going to be here for about 3 weeks. Excited, but it will make for a cozy house! :)
Squishy is in her final countdown to the opening of her show. The cast is amazing and I am proud. I have been sitting in on rehearsals and I am so impressed with these kids. If you are in the area, you must see the show...seriously, if you don't go see it, I will hunt you down!
My Burning Man stuff is getting organized. I will have to go through it all again and reorganize it, but, at least I know what I have and what I don't. And, more importantly, where everything is.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Okay Universe...
Not sure what the universe is trying to do to me. My health and my back had been going better this year. While the countdown is seeming to be going faster, the universe is hitting me hard. First my car issue and now my back. My nerve root block wore off on Thursday. :( For those that aren't aware, my nerve root block injections are what make it possible for me to live day to day without too much pain. And when they wear off, my pain increases hugely. It has been awhile since I had my last injection, which is a good thing. But, it also means that I have to have my doctor's okay before his nurse will schedule a new injection. Problem is that he was out of town last week. So, he wont be back until Monday. But, hopefully, he will have time in his schedule to get me an injection next week. Until then, I am in limbo.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
where is the time going!
So it is really starting to sink in that i am leaving in 43 freakin days for a trip that will be a first in so many ways. It is starting to feel like bipolar swings. haha. Emotions are changing so rapidly. Alot of it is the unknown. But i am learning to let go and float more.
(from mobile so forgive errors)
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Monday, July 12, 2010
45 days.....
Well, I just lost two days on my countdown today. But, that is because I decided to leave 2 days earlier to go meet up with some camp mates in San Francisco and ride out to Burning Man with them, arriving to the playa on Saturday (early arrival). Part of this decision came from the hot hot weather this past week. We had a week straight of weather that was in the 80s and 90s. In fact, it got to 98 and 96 at my house twice last week. During this time, I really realized how sensitive I am to the heat. And, the extra precautions I am going to have to take out in the desert at 100+ degrees. I also starting worrying about getting lost, not knowing where to go and breaking down in the middle of no where! Typical me, attempting to plan and know everything that is going on. Yes, I know I am going to have to let that go. So, in an attempt to help keep my sanity, I reached out to a camp mate in San Fran area and asked if her offer to ride with them was still valid. She was excited to have me.
So, here is the new plan:
* Leave my house in the morning of Thursday 8-26
* Drive the 721 miles in approximately 12 hours and 5 minutes (according to google maps) to my camp mates house. Perhaps I may stop at my aunt and uncles house, in Silverton, for dinner or a nap. We shall see.
* Arrive there sometime Thursday night and hang out with camp mates.
* Leave Friday afternoon for Reno (about 4 hours away)
* Meet up with our camp truck and a few other camp mates for some last minute shopping, dinner, gambling and rest(?)
* Leave Saturday morning for the playa to arrive about 12noon to begin setting up camp.
* Have an amazing time for the week
* Leave Monday Sept 6th from the playa and head to Reno for a real shower, dinner, gambling and rest.
* On to San Fran Tuesday afternoon to unload
* Leave San Fran Wed morning on my way back to Seattle.
Everyone got that? Subject to change of course. :)
So, here is the new plan:
* Leave my house in the morning of Thursday 8-26
* Drive the 721 miles in approximately 12 hours and 5 minutes (according to google maps) to my camp mates house. Perhaps I may stop at my aunt and uncles house, in Silverton, for dinner or a nap. We shall see.
* Arrive there sometime Thursday night and hang out with camp mates.
* Leave Friday afternoon for Reno (about 4 hours away)
* Meet up with our camp truck and a few other camp mates for some last minute shopping, dinner, gambling and rest(?)
* Leave Saturday morning for the playa to arrive about 12noon to begin setting up camp.
* Have an amazing time for the week
* Leave Monday Sept 6th from the playa and head to Reno for a real shower, dinner, gambling and rest.
* On to San Fran Tuesday afternoon to unload
* Leave San Fran Wed morning on my way back to Seattle.
Everyone got that? Subject to change of course. :)
Thursday, July 8, 2010
This is a test.....
This is test of the blogger ap on my new Evo phone. Let's see how it works
Published with Blogger-droid v1.4.3
Monday, July 5, 2010
Seattle Fireworks
Here is video of the Seattle fireworks show. This is not the show that we went to, since it is always way too crowded. But, I felt like I should put it up here since the people of Seattle (locals and businesses) saved the fireworks this year when the title sponsor pulled out. Way to go city! More on what we did later...
Saturday, July 3, 2010
July 2nd - What A Day
Holy Cow! What a wild and crazy, roller coaster of a day. Seriously...up and down and up and down and weird events.....Ready? Hold we go!
I had a very odd dream. It was regarding placement of our theme camp at Burning Man. Placement announcements were supposed to be out on the 1st. But, its Burning Man time, so, its all relative. But, there was alot of talk about it yesterday, so, it was on my mind I suppose. Our camp had requested to be on a certain spot, a big spot. And, all are hoping we get it. If not, we will still be cool. But, our plans are so much better if we get this certain location. This location is called Esplanade. If the open playa were ocean or a beach to explore, the Esplanade would be the boardwalk. With all the hustle and bussle and all the cool kids setting up shop. Got it? Okay. So, in my dream, we were mistakenly placed on the very last row of the the back. The read our application wrong and thought that is what we wanted. We were all bummed about it, but, decided to make the best of it. We turned our camp around so our backs were to the rest of the city and we were facing out to the empty open playa "behind" the city. Not that we were being anti social, but, our plans were for a viewing station on the playa and we wanted to keep it that way. Well, when people were arriving during the week, they realized what we had done and the whole city turned around with us. So, we were in front again! :) It was an awesome dream. (Note that we got our placement announcement this afternoon, more later.)
Squishy's phone broke last night. (Don't get me started on her and her cell phones!) But, the charger port thing came out...not good. We decided to get up and get to the Sprint store at 10 when they opened, so there wouldnt be a long line. Well, we didn't really get out of the house til 11. Not really a big deal. Got the store and were told that because it was physical damage, the insurance would cover it, but, it would be $100 to get a new phone. But, I had an upgrade available on my line (not hers) UGH. So, we had a decision to make: get Sam the exact same phone or, spend the same amount and get me a new phone. We looked around for a bit and then decided to go to the other sprint store, since we like their service better for new phones. (The original store we only go to becuase it is the technician store.)
Before we left and while in the store, I was frantically sending emails and text back and forth with a couple Pink Heart camp mates regarding the waterbottles we are ordering. They are on sale today only and we needed to finalize the details. Crazy! But AWESOME! Can't wait to get them! I was having Squishy write an email to someone, but then he called. As I was talking to him, my car starting acting weird and started steaming badly. UH OH! Hung up and parked the car. Luckily, we were right where we wanted to be anyway. I took a breath and opened the hood. More steam. Great. But, I couldnt tell if it was just a hose or what. But, the entire water reserve thing was empty. I decided to let it cool down and we went into the store. But, my mind could not concentrate or make decisions. We ended up apologizing to the sales guy. Went next door to get water, poured it in and it just poured out the bottom of my radiator. WONDERFUL. No driving it home.
Called AAA for a tow. They were great. Said the truck had an hour to get there, but, he was there in no less than 20 minutes. Seriously! :) It was great. Nice tow truck driver. Now, I must admit that during the time that I realized I was screwed and the time the driver got there, I was not in a good mental state. Started crying and really worrying. Thinking thousands of dollars to fix, that I don't have, etc. I called a friend to see if his dealership could fix it. He didn't answer. And, didn't respond to my texts. But, as we got home, he called me back. He was in a meeting, but could tell something was wrong. He could tell I was super upset and was so calming and great. I super appreciated it at that moment in time. He is someone I have known for years and I know he cares about me. Even if we can't be together as a couple, I know he is there when I need him. I love him for that. Anyway, he put it in good perspective for me: "Hey, at least this happened now and not when you were driving to Burning Man. That would have sucked even more!" Made me smile and I knew he was right. It could always be worse! :)
I knew I needed to just chill for a bit and needed to respond to some emails. So, I logged on and chatted with a few people. Made me feel better. And, while I was online, our placement announcement came! (Placement!) That was another swing. So happy and exciting!!
Called around to some places to replace my radiator and discovered it wasn't going to be AS BAD as I thought to fix it. Not that I really want to spend $400-$500, but, tis better than the thousand I was thinking. But, since it is Friday before a holiday and they have to order the radiator, no one can fix it until Tuesday. Ya. So, no car for the weekend. Another up then down, right! UGH.
All during this, I still had the phone decision in the back of my head to. Squishy was being to patient about it, but, we needed to figure something out for her phone. So, I did some research on the phones we had looked at in the store. Talked it over with Squishy and decided I was going to get a new phone and she was going to get my Palm Pre. I can't believe I gave it up. I love that phone. But, time to move on, right? And, I hear such good things about the android phones. So, I got a Samsung Moment. I can't wait to play around with it!
After spending an hour or so at the sprint store getting the phones switched and such, I wanted teriakyi for dinner. Went to 2 places and they were closed. WTF. 8pm on a Friday night. Another, closed. had to settle for Taco Bell :( All in all, it was just a weird weird day.
I had a very odd dream. It was regarding placement of our theme camp at Burning Man. Placement announcements were supposed to be out on the 1st. But, its Burning Man time, so, its all relative. But, there was alot of talk about it yesterday, so, it was on my mind I suppose. Our camp had requested to be on a certain spot, a big spot. And, all are hoping we get it. If not, we will still be cool. But, our plans are so much better if we get this certain location. This location is called Esplanade. If the open playa were ocean or a beach to explore, the Esplanade would be the boardwalk. With all the hustle and bussle and all the cool kids setting up shop. Got it? Okay. So, in my dream, we were mistakenly placed on the very last row of the the back. The read our application wrong and thought that is what we wanted. We were all bummed about it, but, decided to make the best of it. We turned our camp around so our backs were to the rest of the city and we were facing out to the empty open playa "behind" the city. Not that we were being anti social, but, our plans were for a viewing station on the playa and we wanted to keep it that way. Well, when people were arriving during the week, they realized what we had done and the whole city turned around with us. So, we were in front again! :) It was an awesome dream. (Note that we got our placement announcement this afternoon, more later.)
Squishy's phone broke last night. (Don't get me started on her and her cell phones!) But, the charger port thing came out...not good. We decided to get up and get to the Sprint store at 10 when they opened, so there wouldnt be a long line. Well, we didn't really get out of the house til 11. Not really a big deal. Got the store and were told that because it was physical damage, the insurance would cover it, but, it would be $100 to get a new phone. But, I had an upgrade available on my line (not hers) UGH. So, we had a decision to make: get Sam the exact same phone or, spend the same amount and get me a new phone. We looked around for a bit and then decided to go to the other sprint store, since we like their service better for new phones. (The original store we only go to becuase it is the technician store.)
Before we left and while in the store, I was frantically sending emails and text back and forth with a couple Pink Heart camp mates regarding the waterbottles we are ordering. They are on sale today only and we needed to finalize the details. Crazy! But AWESOME! Can't wait to get them! I was having Squishy write an email to someone, but then he called. As I was talking to him, my car starting acting weird and started steaming badly. UH OH! Hung up and parked the car. Luckily, we were right where we wanted to be anyway. I took a breath and opened the hood. More steam. Great. But, I couldnt tell if it was just a hose or what. But, the entire water reserve thing was empty. I decided to let it cool down and we went into the store. But, my mind could not concentrate or make decisions. We ended up apologizing to the sales guy. Went next door to get water, poured it in and it just poured out the bottom of my radiator. WONDERFUL. No driving it home.
Called AAA for a tow. They were great. Said the truck had an hour to get there, but, he was there in no less than 20 minutes. Seriously! :) It was great. Nice tow truck driver. Now, I must admit that during the time that I realized I was screwed and the time the driver got there, I was not in a good mental state. Started crying and really worrying. Thinking thousands of dollars to fix, that I don't have, etc. I called a friend to see if his dealership could fix it. He didn't answer. And, didn't respond to my texts. But, as we got home, he called me back. He was in a meeting, but could tell something was wrong. He could tell I was super upset and was so calming and great. I super appreciated it at that moment in time. He is someone I have known for years and I know he cares about me. Even if we can't be together as a couple, I know he is there when I need him. I love him for that. Anyway, he put it in good perspective for me: "Hey, at least this happened now and not when you were driving to Burning Man. That would have sucked even more!" Made me smile and I knew he was right. It could always be worse! :)
I knew I needed to just chill for a bit and needed to respond to some emails. So, I logged on and chatted with a few people. Made me feel better. And, while I was online, our placement announcement came! (Placement!) That was another swing. So happy and exciting!!
Called around to some places to replace my radiator and discovered it wasn't going to be AS BAD as I thought to fix it. Not that I really want to spend $400-$500, but, tis better than the thousand I was thinking. But, since it is Friday before a holiday and they have to order the radiator, no one can fix it until Tuesday. Ya. So, no car for the weekend. Another up then down, right! UGH.
All during this, I still had the phone decision in the back of my head to. Squishy was being to patient about it, but, we needed to figure something out for her phone. So, I did some research on the phones we had looked at in the store. Talked it over with Squishy and decided I was going to get a new phone and she was going to get my Palm Pre. I can't believe I gave it up. I love that phone. But, time to move on, right? And, I hear such good things about the android phones. So, I got a Samsung Moment. I can't wait to play around with it!
After spending an hour or so at the sprint store getting the phones switched and such, I wanted teriakyi for dinner. Went to 2 places and they were closed. WTF. 8pm on a Friday night. Another, closed. had to settle for Taco Bell :( All in all, it was just a weird weird day.
Friday, July 2, 2010
Pink Heart Camp (and therefor me) was granted the requested space on the playa we wanted! We will be at 9:00 & Esplanade!
Below is the 2010 Map of Black Rock City! Being on 9:00 and Esplanade means we will be right in the middle of 24/7 thick of it! :) So amazing. Who needs sleep anyway, right!
Below is the 2010 Map of Black Rock City! Being on 9:00 and Esplanade means we will be right in the middle of 24/7 thick of it! :) So amazing. Who needs sleep anyway, right!
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Welcome To July? WTF!
So, it is July 1st today. YIPPEE, right? Not in Washington state. Today it did not get above 60 degrees at my house. SERIOUSLY! WTF! I was actually starting to hold out hope that we would keep with the 70 degree weather for awhile. This is one weird year for us in the Evergreen state. And, my body is NOT liking the swings we are having from hot to cold! So, Ms. Mother Nature. Do you hear me? I am not asking for the 90 degree weather of last summer, but, let's stay a bit consistent, okay?
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