Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Getting Creative...Again

Many of you may not be aware of this, but, I NEVER have been a crafty person. Not even in like elementary school. Hated art time. Always thought inside the lines and everything had to be perfect. I never was one of those kids who could take a big pile of stupid objects and turn it into a piece of creative art. NEVER. I would organize that pile of stupid objects into rows and sort them all out. My sister and others however, could see that same pile of stupid objects and create something of it.

As part of my new journey this year, I decided I would try to get more crafty/artsy. Letting go of "things must be perfect" and such. And just trying out the other side of my brain. Slowly working on it. As such, on a whim, I decided to volunteer to make sashes for our camp. Not have ANY clue on how I would get it done. I am not going to go into my whole process of how I decided on this, but, really it just happened because I was in the fabric store (on one of my many trips) and noticed this blanket binding ribbon stuff on sale. Looking at it more closely, its basically a 3 inch ribbon, that is already sewn on the sides, that is sold in 10 yard spools.  Looking at the label, it said it could be used with a glue gun. MAGIC! So, I bought a little and experimented with it. Lovely. :)

After obtaining all the pink in the Seattle area and requesting my fellow camp mates get some, I went to work. Here is the progression of the sashes and the final product! :) Go me!

Oh ya, and I made the collage too! Look at all the new stuff I am learning how to do this year. Proud of me yet?

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